The Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport (hereinafter “The Coalition”) gathers Public Development Banks (PDBs), sport and international organisations, sharing the aim to leverage the power of sport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter "SDGs") by promoting investments into sport projects and sport components as part of broader projects, programs and initiatives, and by maximizing economic, social and environmental impacts of sport activities.
The Coalition was officially launched in November 2020 during the first edition of the Finance in Common Summit with the signing of a letter of intent by a selection of both public development banks and partners.
Founding members have signed a Memorandum of Agreement in April 2021 confirming the creation of the Coalition.
The Coalition aims to mainstream sport in the 2030 Agenda, leveraging the power of sport towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Coalition Members share the core belief that sport, physical activity and physical education are powerful levers for sustainable development, and transformation of society including by, for, and with the youth and specifically marginalized groups.
Task Force: the executive and deciding body of the Coalition is operated by a Task Force who leads the Coalition’s work and allocates roles and responsibilities.
→ AFD and JICA currently co-chair the Task Force for an initial duration of one year.
Secretariat: the operational and administrative management of the Coalition is operated by a Secretariat.
→ The Secretariat is hosted by the Sport en Commun platform.
Working Groups: specific topics to develop a roadmap of concrete actions to be deployed in the short and medium term are discussed during working group sessions.
→ The first working group - Investing in sustainable sport infrastructure projects & development projects - is coordinated by AFD ;
→ The second working group - Leveraging the power of sport to achieve the SDGs - is coordinated by UNESCO.
High Level Meeting: member organisations meet at higher organisational levels, showcase experiences and initiatives, disseminate best practices, and stimulate political momentum to their collaboration.