EVENT: Measurement and Data for Scaling Investment in Sport for Development – Global Goals Week – Dubai Universal Exposition 2022 – 20th January

Spotlight on Sport for Development at the Dubai World Expo! Join us on the 20th of January for an event about investment in sport in the context of the Global Goal Week: “Sport, Human Rights and Sustainable Development” at the Irish Pavilion. 

On the 20th of January, the Irish Pavilion of the Dubai World Expo will host the event “Measurement and Data for Scaling Investment in Sport for Development”.  

Public authorities/governements, development banks and other investors, sports and sport for development organizations, as well as academia will gather to discuss their experiences, tools and upcoming projects related to data and measurement and their importance to invest in Sport for Development.  

This event is an opportunity to learn more about Social Return on Investment (SROI) and Social Outcome Contract (SOC) models, two innovative, cutting-edge tools to measure and invest in sport, as well as about development banks sport strategies, sport and SDGs indicators and sport and human rights indicators. This large panel illustrates the existing diversity of methods and indicators available for Sport for Development.

This event will open a collective discussion to understand the needs of funding bodies and government to invest in S4D and present solutions to use measurement and data as tools for collaboration and funding.

The Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport positions itself as a platform to continue these discussions after the event and to set up projects thanks to the shared knowledge and expertise. 

Whether you are a public or private organisation, a government or a development bank, don’t miss this opportunity of collective learning!


Photo credit: Global goals