On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is using sport as a tool to create opportunities for children and youth and to contribute to designated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as good health, quality education, gender equality, employment, social inclusion or peaceful coexistence. For that matter, together with partners, GIZ jointly designs and implements projects in different regions of the world to include Sport for Development (S4D) methodologies into policies and national curricula, builds individual and organisational capacities, promotes (vocational) education and employability through sport and constructs or renovates sport grounds as safe spaces for all. All projects are tailored to local needs and follow do-no-harm and safeguarding principles. Since 2007, several GIZ programmes in varying set-ups have been dedicated to S4D.
Up to December 2020, GIZ together with its partners has reached over 1,2 million children and young people through 50 development projects in almost 40 countries and trained more than 7,500 trainers and facilitators all around the world. Around 150 sports grounds were built or renovated in partner countries, mainly on the African continent. The joint knowledge created with partners is available on the Sport for Development Resource Toolkit, a knowledge platform accessible for all.
German development cooperation aims to enhance S4D among and with a variety of partner organizations and stakeholders such as civil society, governmental institutions, the private sector, intergovernmental organizations, and international development agencies.
You can find more about GIZs activities in the field of Sport for Development on their Instagram account sportxdevelopment, as well as the sport for development resource tool kit and the Learning Lab.